Access to resources in Skyportal is controlled in two ways:
ACLs control which actions a user is allowed to perform: create a new user, upload spectra, post comments, etc.
Groups are sets of sources that are accessible to members of that group
Members can also be made an admin of the group, which gives them group-specific permissions to add new users, etc.
The same source source can belong to multiple groups
Roles are collections of ACLs, and are a convenient way of giving users the same subset of permissions.
Adding roles to users#
User permissions can be managed on the
page (click through from profile)
Adding users to groups#
Groups membership can be managed on the
page (click through from profile)
Managing source classifications#
On the frontend, classifications can be managed from an individual source page or a group sources page.
On a source page:#
Scroll to Classifications, choose the desired group(s) for the classification from the Choose Group dropdown
Select the desired taxonomy from the Taxonomy dropdown
In the Classification dropdown, choose the appropriate label
Assign a probability in the range [0, 1] in the Probability box
Click SUBMIT to post the classification
Classifications can be deleted using the trash bin button
On a group sources page:#
Click the dropdown arrow to the left of a source id
Under Post Classifications, select a taxonomy from the dropdown
Select one of the Nonstellar or Stellar variable categories
The resulting dropdown contains sliders for each classification that can be dragged to the desired probability among [0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]
If Normalize Probabilities is toggled, probabilities on a given level of the taxonomy will be scaled to sum to unity
Programmatic access:#
The API allows classifications to be managed using HTTP requests (see
request allows existing classifications for a source with idsource_id
to be retrieved:
status, data = api(
request uploads new classifications for multiple sources using the following structure:
data = {
'classifications': [
'classification': 'Algol',
'taxonomy_id': taxonomy_id,
'probability': 1.0,
'group_ids': [],
'classification': 'Time-domain Source',
'taxonomy_id': taxonomy_id,
'probability': 1.0,
'group_ids': [],
status, data = api(
Classifications can be modified and deleted with the
requests, respectively. These requests require the integer classification ID provided by theGET
request. Both requests are made to the endpoint'classification/{classification_id}'
Important Makefile targets#
Run make
to get a list of Makefile targets. Here are some commonly
used ones:
help : Describe make targets
DB preparation:
db_init : Create database
db_clear : Drop and re-create DB
run : Launch the web application
log : Tail all log files
test : Launch web app & execute frontend tests
test_headless : (Linux only) The above, but without a visible browser
lint-githook : Install a Git pre-commit hook that lints staged chunks (this is done automatically when you lint for the first time).
Code formatting / linters#
To set up pre-commit
for automatically reformatting Python and JavaScript changes, run pip install pre-commit && pre-commit install
is run each time a new change is committed. If an error can be fixed automatically (such as a spacing issue), the tool does that automatically, and you can re-attempt the commit. Otherwise, you may have to make the change manually.