Database Schema#
SkyPortal uses a PostgreSQL database to manage persistent state. This section documents the schema of the database and describes how the application interacts with it.
SQLAlchemy Model API Documentation#
The SkyPortal Python backend interacts with the PostgreSQL backend using the SQLAlchemy object relational mapper. Each database table is represented by a Python class, and each table Column is represented by a class attribute. This Section documents each of the SkyPortal and baselayer classes that are mapped to database tables.
- class**kwargs)#
An access control list item representing a privilege within the application. ACLs are aggregated into collections called Roles which are assumed by Users. Examples of ACLs include Upload Data, Comment, and Manage Groups.
- Attributes:
- created_at
UTC time of insertion of object’s row into the database.
- id
ACL name.
- modified
UTC time the object’s row was last modified in the database.
(id)Return a new cls if an instance with the specified primary key does not exist, else return the existing instance.
(id_or_list, user_or_token[, mode, ...])Return a database record if it is accessible to the specified User or Token.
(user_or_token[, mode, options, columns])Retrieve all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(cls_id, user_or_token)Return a database record if it is accessible to the specified User or Token.
(ident, user_or_token[, ...])Return an object from the database if the requesting User or Token has access to read the object.
(user_or_token[, ...])Retrieve all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(user_or_token[, mode])Check if a User or Token has a specified type of access to this database record.
(user_or_token)Return a boolean indicating whether a User or Token has read access to this object.
(user_or_token[, ...])Return the query for all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(user_or_token[, mode, options, columns])Return the select statement for all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
()Serialize this object to a Python dictionary.
- created_at#
UTC time of insertion of object’s row into the database.
- id#
ACL name.
- modified#
UTC time the object’s row was last modified in the database.
- class**properties_and_modes)#
- Attributes:
- properties_and_modes
(cls, attrs)Check that a target class has the specified attributes.
(cls, user_or_token[, ...])Construct a Query object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
(cls, user_or_token[, ...])Construct a Select object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
(user_or_token)Return the user_id associated with a specified User or Token object.
- query_accessible_rows(cls, user_or_token, columns=None)#
Construct a Query object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token. All query based functions will be deprecated when moving to SQL Alchemy 2.0 in favor of select functions.
- Parameters:
The mapped class of the target table.
- or
The User or Token to check.
- columnslist of sqlalchemy.Column, optional, default None
The columns to retrieve from the target table. If None, queries the mapped class directly and returns mapped instances.
- Returns:
- querysqlalchemy.Query
Query for the accessible rows.
- select_accessible_rows(cls, user_or_token, columns=None)#
Construct a Select object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
- Parameters:
The mapped class of the target table.
- or
The User or Token to check.
- columnslist of sqlalchemy.Column, optional, default None
The columns to retrieve from the target table. If None, queries the mapped class directly and returns mapped instances.
- Returns:
- sqlalchemy select object
- class
- Attributes:
- relationship_chain
List of names of each relationship in the chain.
(cls, attrs)Check that a target class has the specified attributes.
(cls, user_or_token[, ...])Construct a Query object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
(cls, user_or_token[, ...])Construct a Select object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
(user_or_token)Return the user_id associated with a specified User or Token object.
- query_accessible_rows(cls, user_or_token, columns=None)#
Construct a Query object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token. All query based functions will be deprecated when moving to SQL Alchemy 2.0 in favor of select functions.
- Parameters:
The mapped class of the target table.
- or
The User or Token to check.
- columnslist of sqlalchemy.Column, optional, default None
The columns to retrieve from the target table. If None, queries the mapped class directly and returns mapped instances.
- Returns:
- querysqlalchemy.Query
Query for the accessible rows.
- property relationship_names#
List of names of each relationship in the chain.
- select_accessible_rows(cls, user_or_token, columns=None)#
Construct a Select object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
- Parameters:
The mapped class of the target table.
- or
The User or Token to check.
- columnslist of sqlalchemy.Column, optional, default None
The columns to retrieve from the target table. If None, queries the mapped class directly and returns mapped instances.
- Returns:
- sqlalchemy select object
- class*access_controls, logic='and')#
- Attributes:
- access_controls
- logic
(cls, attrs)Check that a target class has the specified attributes.
(cls, user_or_token[, ...])Construct a Query object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
(cls, user_or_token[, ...])Construct a Select object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
(user_or_token)Return the user_id associated with a specified User or Token object.
- query_accessible_rows(cls, user_or_token, columns=None)#
Construct a Query object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token. All query based functions will be deprecated when moving to SQL Alchemy 2.0 in favor of select functions.
- Parameters:
The mapped class of the target table.
- or
The User or Token to check.
- columnslist of sqlalchemy.Column, optional, default None
The columns to retrieve from the target table. If None, queries the mapped class directly and returns mapped instances.
- Returns:
- querysqlalchemy.Query
Query for the accessible rows.
- select_accessible_rows(cls, user_or_token, columns=None)#
Construct a Select object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
- Parameters:
The mapped class of the target table.
- or
The User or Token to check.
- columnslist of sqlalchemy.Column, optional, default None
The columns to retrieve from the target table. If None, queries the mapped class directly and returns mapped instances.
- Returns:
- sqlalchemy select object
- class**kwargs)#
A record of a run (or attempted run) of a cron job.
- Attributes:
- created_at
UTC time of insertion of object’s row into the database.
- exit_status
Exit status of cron job subprocess (e.g. 0 or 1).
- id
Unique object identifier.
- modified
UTC time the object’s row was last modified in the database.
- output
Cron job’s subprocess output, or exception string.
- script
Name of script being run.
(id)Return a new cls if an instance with the specified primary key does not exist, else return the existing instance.
(id_or_list, user_or_token[, mode, ...])Return a database record if it is accessible to the specified User or Token.
(user_or_token[, mode, options, columns])Retrieve all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(cls_id, user_or_token)Return a database record if it is accessible to the specified User or Token.
(ident, user_or_token[, ...])Return an object from the database if the requesting User or Token has access to read the object.
(user_or_token[, ...])Retrieve all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(user_or_token[, mode])Check if a User or Token has a specified type of access to this database record.
(user_or_token)Return a boolean indicating whether a User or Token has read access to this object.
(user_or_token[, ...])Return the query for all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(user_or_token[, mode, options, columns])Return the select statement for all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
()Serialize this object to a Python dictionary.
- created_at#
UTC time of insertion of object’s row into the database.
- exit_status#
Exit status of cron job subprocess (e.g. 0 or 1).
- id#
Unique object identifier.
- modified#
UTC time the object’s row was last modified in the database.
- output#
Cron job’s subprocess output, or exception string.
- script#
Name of script being run.
- class
(cls, attrs)Check that a target class has the specified attributes.
(cls, user_or_token[, ...])Construct a Query object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
(cls, user_or_token[, ...])Construct a Select object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
(user_or_token)Return the user_id associated with a specified User or Token object.
- query_accessible_rows(cls, user_or_token, columns=None)#
Construct a Query object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token. All query based functions will be deprecated when moving to SQL Alchemy 2.0 in favor of select functions.
- Parameters:
The mapped class of the target table.
- or
The User or Token to check.
- columnslist of sqlalchemy.Column, optional, default None
The columns to retrieve from the target table. If None, queries the mapped class directly and returns mapped instances.
- Returns:
- querysqlalchemy.Query
Query for the accessible rows.
- select_accessible_rows(cls, user_or_token, columns=None)#
Construct a Select object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
- Parameters:
The mapped class of the target table.
- or
The User or Token to check.
- columnslist of sqlalchemy.Column, optional, default None
The columns to retrieve from the target table. If None, queries the mapped class directly and returns mapped instances.
- Returns:
- sqlalchemy.Select object
- class
Dummy class that join_models subclass. Provides an easy way to access all join_model mapped classes via the __subclasses__() method.
- class
A record accessible to anyone.
(cls, attrs)Check that a target class has the specified attributes.
(cls, user_or_token[, ...])Construct a Query object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
(cls, user_or_token[, ...])Construct a Select object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
(user_or_token)Return the user_id associated with a specified User or Token object.
- query_accessible_rows(cls, user_or_token, columns=None)#
Construct a Query object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token. All query based functions will be deprecated when moving to SQL Alchemy 2.0 in favor of select functions.
- Parameters:
The mapped class of the target table.
- or
The User or Token to check.
- columnslist of sqlalchemy.Column, optional, default None
The columns to retrieve from the target table. If None, queries the mapped class directly and returns mapped instances.
- Returns:
- querysqlalchemy.Query
Query for the accessible rows.
- select_accessible_rows(cls, user_or_token, columns=None)#
Construct a Select object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
- Parameters:
The mapped class of the target table.
- or
The User or Token to check.
- columnslist of sqlalchemy.Column, optional, default None
The columns to retrieve from the target table. If None, queries the mapped class directly and returns mapped instances.
- Returns:
- sqlalchemy select object
- class
A record that can only be accessed by a System Admin.
(cls, attrs)Check that a target class has the specified attributes.
(cls, user_or_token[, ...])Construct a Query object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
(cls, user_or_token[, ...])Construct a Select object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
(user_or_token)Return the user_id associated with a specified User or Token object.
- query_accessible_rows(cls, user_or_token, columns=None)#
Construct a Query object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token. All query based functions will be deprecated when moving to SQL Alchemy 2.0 in favor of select functions.
- Parameters:
The mapped class of the target table.
- or
The User or Token to check.
- columnslist of sqlalchemy.Column, optional, default None
The columns to retrieve from the target table. If None, queries the mapped class directly and returns mapped instances.
- Returns:
- querysqlalchemy.Query
Query for the accessible rows.
- select_accessible_rows(cls, user_or_token, columns=None)#
Construct a Select object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
- Parameters:
The mapped class of the target table.
- or
The User or Token to check.
- columnslist of sqlalchemy.Column, optional, default None
The columns to retrieve from the target table. If None, queries the mapped class directly and returns mapped instances.
- Returns:
- sqlalchemy.Select object
- class**kwargs)#
A collection of ACLs. Roles map Users to ACLs. One User may assume multiple Roles.
- Attributes:
- acls
ACLs associated with the Role.
- created_at
UTC time of insertion of object’s row into the database.
- id
Role name.
- modified
UTC time the object’s row was last modified in the database.
- users
Users who have this Role.
(id)Return a new cls if an instance with the specified primary key does not exist, else return the existing instance.
(id_or_list, user_or_token[, mode, ...])Return a database record if it is accessible to the specified User or Token.
(user_or_token[, mode, options, columns])Retrieve all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(cls_id, user_or_token)Return a database record if it is accessible to the specified User or Token.
(ident, user_or_token[, ...])Return an object from the database if the requesting User or Token has access to read the object.
(user_or_token[, ...])Retrieve all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(user_or_token[, mode])Check if a User or Token has a specified type of access to this database record.
(user_or_token)Return a boolean indicating whether a User or Token has read access to this object.
(user_or_token[, ...])Return the query for all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(user_or_token[, mode, options, columns])Return the select statement for all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
()Serialize this object to a Python dictionary.
- acls#
ACLs associated with the Role.
- created_at#
UTC time of insertion of object’s row into the database.
- id#
Role name.
- modified#
UTC time the object’s row was last modified in the database.
- users#
Users who have this Role.
- class**kwargs)#
Join table class mapping Roles to ACLs.
- Attributes:
- acl
- acl_id
- created_at
UTC time of insertion of object’s row into the database.
- id
Unique object identifier.
- modified
UTC time the object’s row was last modified in the database.
- role
- role_id
(id)Return a new cls if an instance with the specified primary key does not exist, else return the existing instance.
(id_or_list, user_or_token[, mode, ...])Return a database record if it is accessible to the specified User or Token.
(user_or_token[, mode, options, columns])Retrieve all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(cls_id, user_or_token)Return a database record if it is accessible to the specified User or Token.
(ident, user_or_token[, ...])Return an object from the database if the requesting User or Token has access to read the object.
(user_or_token[, ...])Retrieve all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(user_or_token[, mode])Check if a User or Token has a specified type of access to this database record.
(user_or_token)Return a boolean indicating whether a User or Token has read access to this object.
(user_or_token[, ...])Return the query for all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(user_or_token[, mode, options, columns])Return the select statement for all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
()Serialize this object to a Python dictionary.
- create = < object>#
- created_at#
UTC time of insertion of object’s row into the database.
- id#
Unique object identifier.
- modified#
UTC time the object’s row was last modified in the database.
- read = < object>#
- class*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)#
Slugified string
- Attributes:
Base class for custom comparison operations defined at the type level.
Return the Python type object expected to be returned by instances of this type, if known.
- sort_key_function
that is specific toTypeDecorator
(cls, **kw)Produce an "adapted" form of this type, given an "impl" class to work with.
([allow_nulltype])Return an instance of the generic type corresponding to this type using heuristic rule.
(bindparam)Given a bind value (i.e. a
instance), return a SQL expression which will typically wrap the given parameter.bind_processor
(dialect)Provide a bound value processing function for the given
(op, value)Suggest a type for a 'coerced' Python value in an expression.
(column)Given a SELECT column expression, return a wrapping SQL expression.
(dialect, conn_type)Compare this type against the given backend type.
(x, y)Given two values, compare them for equality.
([dialect])Produce a string-compiled form of this
(**kw)Produce a copy of this
(dialect)Return a dialect-specific implementation for this
()Return a copy of this type which has the
flag set to True.get_dbapi_type
(dbapi)Return the DBAPI type object represented by this
.alias of
(dialect)Provide a literal processing function for the given
(dialect)Return a
object corresponding to a dialect.process_bind_param
(value, dialect)Receive a bound parameter value to be converted.
(value, dialect)Receive a literal parameter value to be rendered inline within a statement.
(value, dialect)Receive a result-row column value to be converted.
(dialect, coltype)Provide a result value processing function for the given
(dialect)Return a dialect-specific
instance for thisTypeDecorator
(type_, *dialect_names)Produce a copy of this type object that will utilize the given type when applied to the dialect of the given name.
- cache_ok: bool | None = True#
Indicate if statements using this
are “safe to cache”.The default value
will emit a warning and then not allow caching of a statement which includes this type. Set toFalse
to disable statements using this type from being cached at all without a warning. When set toTrue
, the object’s class and selected elements from its state will be used as part of the cache key. For example, using aTypeDecorator
:class MyType(TypeDecorator): impl = String cache_ok = True def __init__(self, choices): self.choices = tuple(choices) self.internal_only = True
The cache key for the above type would be equivalent to:
>>> MyType(["a", "b", "c"])._static_cache_key (<class '__main__.MyType'>, ('choices', ('a', 'b', 'c')))
The caching scheme will extract attributes from the type that correspond to the names of parameters in the
method. Above, the “choices” attribute becomes part of the cache key but “internal_only” does not, because there is no parameter named “internal_only”.The requirements for cacheable elements is that they are hashable and also that they indicate the same SQL rendered for expressions using this type every time for a given cache value.
To accommodate for datatypes that refer to unhashable structures such as dictionaries, sets and lists, these objects can be made “cacheable” by assigning hashable structures to the attributes whose names correspond with the names of the arguments. For example, a datatype which accepts a dictionary of lookup values may publish this as a sorted series of tuples. Given a previously un-cacheable type as:
class LookupType(UserDefinedType): '''a custom type that accepts a dictionary as a parameter. this is the non-cacheable version, as "self.lookup" is not hashable. ''' def __init__(self, lookup): self.lookup = lookup def get_col_spec(self, **kw): return "VARCHAR(255)" def bind_processor(self, dialect): # ... works with "self.lookup" ...
Where “lookup” is a dictionary. The type will not be able to generate a cache key:
>>> type_ = LookupType({"a": 10, "b": 20}) >>> type_._static_cache_key <stdin>:1: SAWarning: UserDefinedType LookupType({'a': 10, 'b': 20}) will not produce a cache key because the ``cache_ok`` flag is not set to True. Set this flag to True if this type object's state is safe to use in a cache key, or False to disable this warning. symbol('no_cache')
If we did set up such a cache key, it wouldn’t be usable. We would get a tuple structure that contains a dictionary inside of it, which cannot itself be used as a key in a “cache dictionary” such as SQLAlchemy’s statement cache, since Python dictionaries aren’t hashable:
>>> # set cache_ok = True >>> type_.cache_ok = True >>> # this is the cache key it would generate >>> key = type_._static_cache_key >>> key (<class '__main__.LookupType'>, ('lookup', {'a': 10, 'b': 20})) >>> # however this key is not hashable, will fail when used with >>> # SQLAlchemy statement cache >>> some_cache = {key: "some sql value"} Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'
The type may be made cacheable by assigning a sorted tuple of tuples to the “.lookup” attribute:
class LookupType(UserDefinedType): '''a custom type that accepts a dictionary as a parameter. The dictionary is stored both as itself in a private variable, and published in a public variable as a sorted tuple of tuples, which is hashable and will also return the same value for any two equivalent dictionaries. Note it assumes the keys and values of the dictionary are themselves hashable. ''' cache_ok = True def __init__(self, lookup): self._lookup = lookup # assume keys/values of "lookup" are hashable; otherwise # they would also need to be converted in some way here self.lookup = tuple( (key, lookup[key]) for key in sorted(lookup) ) def get_col_spec(self, **kw): return "VARCHAR(255)" def bind_processor(self, dialect): # ... works with "self._lookup" ...
Where above, the cache key for
LookupType({"a": 10, "b": 20})
will be:>>> LookupType({"a": 10, "b": 20})._static_cache_key (<class '__main__.LookupType'>, ('lookup', (('a', 10), ('b', 20))))
Added in version 1.4.14: - added the
flag to allow some configurability of caching forTypeDecorator
classes.Added in version 1.4.28: - added the
mixin which generalizes thecache_ok
flag to both theTypeDecorator
classes.See also
- impl#
alias of
- process_bind_param(value, dialect)#
Receive a bound parameter value to be converted.
Custom subclasses of
should override this method to provide custom behaviors for incoming data values. This method is called at statement execution time and is passed the literal Python data value which is to be associated with a bound parameter in the statement.The operation could be anything desired to perform custom behavior, such as transforming or serializing data. This could also be used as a hook for validating logic.
- Parameters:
value – Data to operate upon, of any type expected by this method in the subclass. Can be
.dialect – the
in use.
See also
- process_result_value(value, dialect)#
Receive a result-row column value to be converted.
Custom subclasses of
should override this method to provide custom behaviors for data values being received in result rows coming from the database. This method is called at result fetching time and is passed the literal Python data value that’s extracted from a database result row.The operation could be anything desired to perform custom behavior, such as transforming or deserializing data.
- Parameters:
value – Data to operate upon, of any type expected by this method in the subclass. Can be
.dialect – the
in use.
See also
- class**kwargs)#
A command line token that can be used to programmatically access the API as a particular User.
- Attributes:
Return the list of Groups a User or Token has access to.
Return the list of Streams a User or Token has access to.
- acls
The ACLs granted to the Token.
- created_at
UTC time of insertion of object’s row into the database.
- created_by
The User that created the token.
- created_by_id
The ID of the User that created the Token.
The groups the Token owner is a member of.
- id
The value of the token. This field is used for authenticating as a User on the command line.
- is_admin
- is_system_admin
- modified
UTC time the object’s row was last modified in the database.
- name
The name of the token.
(id)Return a new cls if an instance with the specified primary key does not exist, else return the existing instance.
(id_or_list, user_or_token[, mode, ...])Return a database record if it is accessible to the specified User or Token.
(user_or_token[, mode, options, columns])Retrieve all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(cls_id, user_or_token)Return a database record if it is accessible to the specified User or Token.
(ident, user_or_token[, ...])Return an object from the database if the requesting User or Token has access to read the object.
(user_or_token[, ...])Retrieve all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(user_or_token[, mode])Check if a User or Token has a specified type of access to this database record.
(user_or_token)Return a boolean indicating whether this Token is readable by the specified User (or Token instance, if a token is passed).
(user_or_token[, ...])Return the query for all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(user_or_token[, mode, options, columns])Return the select statement for all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
()Serialize this object to a Python dictionary.
- property accessible_groups#
Return the list of Groups a User or Token has access to. For non-admin Users or Token owners, this corresponds to the Groups they are a member of. For System Admins, this corresponds to all Groups.
- property accessible_streams#
Return the list of Streams a User or Token has access to.
- acls#
The ACLs granted to the Token.
- create = < object>#
- created_at#
UTC time of insertion of object’s row into the database.
- created_by#
The User that created the token.
- created_by_id#
The ID of the User that created the Token.
- delete = < object>#
- property groups#
The groups the Token owner is a member of.
- id#
The value of the token. This field is used for authenticating as a User on the command line.
- is_readable_by(user_or_token)#
Return a boolean indicating whether this Token is readable by the specified User (or Token instance, if a token is passed).
- Parameters:
- or
The User or Token to check.
- Returns:
- readablebool
Whether this Token instance is readable by the User or Token.
- modified#
UTC time the object’s row was last modified in the database.
- name#
The name of the token.
- read = < object>#
- update = < object>#
- class**kwargs)#
Join table mapping Tokens to ACLs
- Attributes:
- acl
- acl_id
- created_at
UTC time of insertion of object’s row into the database.
- id
Unique object identifier.
- modified
UTC time the object’s row was last modified in the database.
- token
- token_id
(id)Return a new cls if an instance with the specified primary key does not exist, else return the existing instance.
(id_or_list, user_or_token[, mode, ...])Return a database record if it is accessible to the specified User or Token.
(user_or_token[, mode, options, columns])Retrieve all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(cls_id, user_or_token)Return a database record if it is accessible to the specified User or Token.
(ident, user_or_token[, ...])Return an object from the database if the requesting User or Token has access to read the object.
(user_or_token[, ...])Retrieve all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(user_or_token[, mode])Check if a User or Token has a specified type of access to this database record.
(user_or_token)Return a boolean indicating whether a User or Token has read access to this object.
(user_or_token[, ...])Return the query for all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(user_or_token[, mode, options, columns])Return the select statement for all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
()Serialize this object to a Python dictionary.
- create = < object>#
- created_at#
UTC time of insertion of object’s row into the database.
- id#
Unique object identifier.
- modified#
UTC time the object’s row was last modified in the database.
- read = < object>#
- class**kwargs)#
An application user.
- Attributes:
Return the list of Groups a User or Token has access to.
Return the list of Streams a User or Token has access to.
- acls
ACLs granted to user, separate from role-level ACLs
- affiliations
The User’s affiliations (ex: Department of Mathematics, University X)
- annotations
- annotations_on_photometry
- annotations_on_spectra
- assignments
Objs the User has assigned to ObservingRuns.
- bio
A short biography of the user, or description for bot accounts.
- catalog_queries
The catalog queries this User has made.
- comments
- comments_on_earthquakes
- comments_on_gcns
- comments_on_shifts
- comments_on_spectra
- contact_email
The phone number at which the user prefers to receive communications.
- contact_phone
The email at which the user prefers to receive communications.
- created_at
UTC time of insertion of object’s row into the database.
- default_followup_requests
The default follow-up requests this User has made.
- default_gcntags
The default gcn tags this User has made.
- default_observationplan_requests
The default observation plan requests this User has made.
- earthquakeevents
The EarthquakeEvents saved by this user
- earthquakenotices
The EarthquakeNotices saved by this user
- expiration_date
The date until which the user’s account is valid. Users are set to view-only upon expiration.
- first_name
The User’s first name.
- followup_requests
The follow-up requests this User has made.
- gcnevents
The gcnevents saved by this user
- gcnnotices
The GcnNotices saved by this user
- gcnproperties
The gcnproperties saved by this user
- gcnreports
The gcnreports saved by this user
- gcnsummaries
The gcnsummaries saved by this user
- gcntags
The gcntags saved by this user
The Gravatar URL inferred from the user’s contact email, or, if the contact email is null, the username.
- group_admission_requests
User’s requests to join groups.
- groups
The Groups this User is a member of.
- id
Unique object identifier.
- is_admin
- is_bot
Whether or not the user account should be flagged as a bot account.
- is_system_admin
- last_name
The User’s last name.
- listings
The listings saved by this user
- localizationproperties
The localizationproperties saved by this user
- localizations
The localizations saved by this user
- localizationtags
The localizationtags saved by this user
- mmadetector_spectra
MMADetectorSpectra uploaded by this User.
- mmadetector_time_intervals
MMADetectorTimeInterval uploaded by this User.
- modified
UTC time the object’s row was last modified in the database.
- notifications
Notifications to be displayed on front-end associated with User
- oauth_uid
The user’s OAuth UID.
- observationplan_requests
The observation plan requests this User has made.
- observing_runs
Observing Runs this User has created.
List of the names of all of the user’s ACLs (role-level + individual).
- photometric_series
PhotometricSeries uploaded by this User.
- photometry
Photometry uploaded by this User.
- photometryvalidations
PhotometryValidation this User has created.
- preferences
The user’s application settings.
- recurring_apis
- reminders
- reminders_on_earthquakes
- reminders_on_gcns
- reminders_on_shifts
- reminders_on_spectra
- roles
The roles assumed by this user.
- saved_sources
- shifts
The Shifts this User is a member of.
- single_user_group
- source_notifications
Source notifications the User has sent out.
- sources
The Sources accessible to this User.
- sources_in_gcn
SourcesConfirmedInGCN this User has created.
- spectra
Spectra uploaded by this User.
- streams
The Streams this User has access to.
- survey_efficiency_for_observation_plan
The survey efficiency analyses on ObservationPlans this User has made.
- survey_efficiency_for_observations
The survey efficiency analyses on Observations this User has made.
- tns_submissions
The TNSRobotSubmission this user has made (manual or automatic).
- tokens
This user’s tokens.
- transaction_requests
The FacilityTransactionRequests initiated by this User.
- transactions
The FacilityTransactions initiated by this User.
- username
The user’s username.
(id)Return a new cls if an instance with the specified primary key does not exist, else return the existing instance.
(id_or_list, user_or_token[, mode, ...])Return a database record if it is accessible to the specified User or Token.
(user_or_token[, mode, options, columns])Retrieve all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(cls_id, user_or_token)Return a database record if it is accessible to the specified User or Token.
(ident, user_or_token[, ...])Return an object from the database if the requesting User or Token has access to read the object.
(user_or_token[, ...])Retrieve all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(user_or_token[, mode])Check if a User or Token has a specified type of access to this database record.
Boolean flag indicating whether the User is currently active.
Boolean flag indicating whether the User is currently authenticated.
(user_or_token)Return a boolean indicating whether a User or Token has read access to this object.
(user_or_token[, ...])Return the query for all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(user_or_token[, mode, options, columns])Return the select statement for all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
The base model for User subclasses.
- property accessible_groups#
Return the list of Groups a User or Token has access to. For non-admin Users or Token owners, this corresponds to the Groups they are a member of. For System Admins, this corresponds to all Groups.
- property accessible_streams#
Return the list of Streams a User or Token has access to.
- acls#
ACLs granted to user, separate from role-level ACLs
- affiliations#
The User’s affiliations (ex: Department of Mathematics, University X)
- assignments#
Objs the User has assigned to ObservingRuns.
- bio#
A short biography of the user, or description for bot accounts.
- catalog_queries#
The catalog queries this User has made.
- contact_email#
The phone number at which the user prefers to receive communications.
- contact_phone#
The email at which the user prefers to receive communications.
- created_at#
UTC time of insertion of object’s row into the database.
- default_followup_requests#
The default follow-up requests this User has made.
- default_gcntags#
The default gcn tags this User has made.
- default_observationplan_requests#
The default observation plan requests this User has made.
- delete = < object>#
- earthquakeevents#
The EarthquakeEvents saved by this user
- earthquakenotices#
The EarthquakeNotices saved by this user
- expiration_date#
The date until which the user’s account is valid. Users are set to view-only upon expiration.
- first_name#
The User’s first name.
- followup_requests#
The follow-up requests this User has made.
- gcnevents#
The gcnevents saved by this user
- gcnnotices#
The GcnNotices saved by this user
- gcnproperties#
The gcnproperties saved by this user
- gcnreports#
The gcnreports saved by this user
- gcnsummaries#
The gcnsummaries saved by this user
- gcntags#
The gcntags saved by this user
- property gravatar_url#
The Gravatar URL inferred from the user’s contact email, or, if the contact email is null, the username.
- group_admission_requests#
User’s requests to join groups.
- groups#
The Groups this User is a member of.
- id#
Unique object identifier.
- is_active()#
Boolean flag indicating whether the User is currently active.
- is_authenticated()#
Boolean flag indicating whether the User is currently authenticated.
- is_bot#
Whether or not the user account should be flagged as a bot account.
- last_name#
The User’s last name.
- listings#
The listings saved by this user
- localizationproperties#
The localizationproperties saved by this user
- localizations#
The localizations saved by this user
- localizationtags#
The localizationtags saved by this user
- mmadetector_spectra#
MMADetectorSpectra uploaded by this User.
- mmadetector_time_intervals#
MMADetectorTimeInterval uploaded by this User.
- modified#
UTC time the object’s row was last modified in the database.
- notifications#
Notifications to be displayed on front-end associated with User
- oauth_uid#
The user’s OAuth UID.
- observationplan_requests#
The observation plan requests this User has made.
- observing_runs#
Observing Runs this User has created.
- property permissions#
List of the names of all of the user’s ACLs (role-level + individual).
- photometric_series#
PhotometricSeries uploaded by this User.
- photometry#
Photometry uploaded by this User.
- photometryvalidations#
PhotometryValidation this User has created.
- preferences#
The user’s application settings.
- roles#
The roles assumed by this user.
- shifts#
The Shifts this User is a member of.
- source_notifications#
Source notifications the User has sent out.
- sources#
The Sources accessible to this User.
- sources_in_gcn#
SourcesConfirmedInGCN this User has created.
- spectra#
Spectra uploaded by this User.
- streams#
The Streams this User has access to.
- survey_efficiency_for_observation_plan#
The survey efficiency analyses on ObservationPlans this User has made.
- survey_efficiency_for_observations#
The survey efficiency analyses on Observations this User has made.
- tns_submissions#
The TNSRobotSubmission this user has made (manual or automatic).
- to_dict()#
Serialize this object to a Python dictionary.
- tokens#
This user’s tokens.
- transaction_requests#
The FacilityTransactionRequests initiated by this User.
- transactions#
The FacilityTransactions initiated by this User.
- update = < object>#
- classmethod user_model()#
The base model for User subclasses.
- username#
The user’s username.
- class**kwargs)#
Join table mapping Users to ACLs
- Attributes:
- acl
- acl_id
- created_at
UTC time of insertion of object’s row into the database.
- id
Unique object identifier.
- modified
UTC time the object’s row was last modified in the database.
- user
- user_id
(id)Return a new cls if an instance with the specified primary key does not exist, else return the existing instance.
(id_or_list, user_or_token[, mode, ...])Return a database record if it is accessible to the specified User or Token.
(user_or_token[, mode, options, columns])Retrieve all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(cls_id, user_or_token)Return a database record if it is accessible to the specified User or Token.
(ident, user_or_token[, ...])Return an object from the database if the requesting User or Token has access to read the object.
(user_or_token[, ...])Retrieve all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(user_or_token[, mode])Check if a User or Token has a specified type of access to this database record.
(user_or_token)Return a boolean indicating whether a User or Token has read access to this object.
(user_or_token[, ...])Return the query for all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(user_or_token[, mode, options, columns])Return the select statement for all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
()Serialize this object to a Python dictionary.
- create = < object>#
- created_at#
UTC time of insertion of object’s row into the database.
- id#
Unique object identifier.
- modified#
UTC time the object’s row was last modified in the database.
- read = < object>#
- class
Logic for controlling user access to database records. Mapped classes can set their create, read, update, or delete attributes to subclasses of this class to ensure they are only accessed by users or tokens with the requisite permissions.
(cls, attrs)Check that a target class has the specified attributes.
(cls, user_or_token[, ...])Construct a Query object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
(cls, user_or_token[, ...])Construct a Select object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
(user_or_token)Return the user_id associated with a specified User or Token object.
- static check_cls_for_attributes(cls, attrs)#
Check that a target class has the specified attributes. If not, raise a TypeError.
- Parameters:
The class to check.
- attrslist of str
The names of the attributes to check for.
- query_accessible_rows(cls, user_or_token, columns=None)#
Construct a Query object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token. All query based functions will be deprecated when moving to SQL Alchemy 2.0 in favor of select functions.
- Parameters:
The mapped class of the target table.
- or
The User or Token to check.
- columnslist of sqlalchemy.Column, optional, default None
The columns to retrieve from the target table. If None, queries the mapped class directly and returns mapped instances.
- Returns:
- querysqlalchemy.Query
Query for the accessible rows.
- select_accessible_rows(cls, user_or_token, columns=None)#
Construct a Select object that, when executed, returns the rows of a specified table that are accessible to a specified user or token.
- Parameters:
The mapped class of the target table.
- or
The User or Token to check.
- columnslist of sqlalchemy.Column, optional, default None
The columns to retrieve from the target table. If None, queries the mapped class directly and returns mapped instances.
- Returns:
- sqlalchemy select object
- static user_id_from_user_or_token(user_or_token)#
Return the user_id associated with a specified User or Token object.
- Parameters:
- or
The User or Token to check.
- Returns:
- user_id: int
The user_id associated with the User or Token object.
- class**kwargs)#
Join table mapping Users to Roles.
- Attributes:
- created_at
UTC time of insertion of object’s row into the database.
- id
Unique object identifier.
- modified
UTC time the object’s row was last modified in the database.
- role
- role_id
- user
- user_id
(id)Return a new cls if an instance with the specified primary key does not exist, else return the existing instance.
(id_or_list, user_or_token[, mode, ...])Return a database record if it is accessible to the specified User or Token.
(user_or_token[, mode, options, columns])Retrieve all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(cls_id, user_or_token)Return a database record if it is accessible to the specified User or Token.
(ident, user_or_token[, ...])Return an object from the database if the requesting User or Token has access to read the object.
(user_or_token[, ...])Retrieve all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(user_or_token[, mode])Check if a User or Token has a specified type of access to this database record.
(user_or_token)Return a boolean indicating whether a User or Token has read access to this object.
(user_or_token[, ...])Return the query for all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
(user_or_token[, mode, options, columns])Return the select statement for all database records accessible by the specified User or token.
()Serialize this object to a Python dictionary.
- create = < object>#
- created_at#
UTC time of insertion of object’s row into the database.
- id#
Unique object identifier.
- modified#
UTC time the object’s row was last modified in the database.
- read = < object>#
-, collection, accessor)#
Vectorized permission check for a heterogeneous set of records. If an access leak is detected, it will be handled according to the security section of the application’s configuration.
- Parameters:
- modestr
The access mode to check. Can be create, read, update, or delete.
- collectioncollection of
The records to check. These records will be grouped by type, and a single database query will be issued to check access for each record type.
- or
The user or token to check.
-, database, password=None, host=None, port=None, autoflush=True, engine_args={})#
- Parameters:
- engine_argsdict
pool_size: The number of connections maintained to the DB. Default 5.
max_overflow: The number of additional connections that will be made as needed.
Once these extra connections have been used, they are discarded.
Default 10.
- pool_recycle:
Prevent the pool from using any connection that is older than this (specified in seconds). Default 3600.
-, model_1, model_2, column_1=None, column_2=None, fk_1='id', fk_2='id', base=<class 'sqlalchemy.orm.decl_api.Base'>, new_name=None, overlaps=None)#
Helper function to create a join table for a many-to-many relationship.
- Parameters:
- join_tablestr
Name of the new table to be created.
- model_1str
First model in the relationship.
- model_2str
Second model in the relationship.
- column_1str, optional
Name of the join table column corresponding to model_1. If None, then {table1`[:-1]_id} will be used (e.g., `user_id for users).
- column_2str, optional
Name of the join table column corresponding to model_2. If None, then {table2`[:-1]_id} will be used (e.g., `user_id for users).
- fk_1str, optional
Name of the column from model_1 that the foreign key should refer to.
- fk_2str, optional
Name of the column from model_2 that the foreign key should refer to.
- basesqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api.DeclarativeMeta
SQLAlchemy model base to subclass.
- new_name: str, optional
Name of the new model class. If None, then the name will be model_1.__name__ + model_2.__name__.
- overlapsstr or list of str, optional
Each relationship defined in this model will have, by default, overlaps=f”{table_1}, {table_2}”. If any additional overalapping relationships or columns need to be added, they can be given as a string or list of strings.
- Returns:
- sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api.DeclarativeMeta
SQLAlchemy association model class
Entity Relationship Diagram#
The following entity relationship diagram visualizes the structure of the SkyPortal database.