
SkyPortal serves largely as a central place of record for astronomical data and as an interaction portal around such data. Whenever advanced analysis is needed on individual sources or groups of sources the standard procedure is for end users to download the relevant data, process this data offline, and then write back results as comments or annotations.

There are a few exceptions where SkyPortal does provide in-app analysis, namely interactive periodogram analysis for variable sources (visible from the photometry panel on the source page) and PhotStats (a table that accumulates basic photometry statistics on on sources, accessible via API).

External Analysis Services

SkyPortal enables the establishment of 3rd party analysis services, which can be interacted with both programmatically and via the webapp. The basic idea is that data available to a user on a particular source can be sent externally (via POST request) for processing. The results of this processing are written back to SP asynchronously via a webhook. Those results can be displayed and queried in the webapp. SkyPortal also enables “requestless” analysis authenticated uploads if an analysis service is created using the upload_only flag.

Some example use cases contemplated:

  • send a source to a 3rd party application which applies custom machine learning models to determine classification of that source

  • Light curve fitting to template models

  • Redshift fitting on spectra

Creating a new Analysis Service

The first step is to tell SkyPortal where your analysis service lives (URL/port), what data it expects, what type of analysis it performs, etc.

import requests

payload = {
    "name": "My Awesome RR Lyrae Fitter",
    "display_name": "My display name",
    "description": "We fit RRLyrae to templates",
    "version": "1.0"
    "contact_name": "I. M. Astronomer",
    "url": "",
    "authentication_type": "header_token",
    "_authinfo": '{"header_token": {"Authorization": "Bearer MY_TOKEN"}}',
    "analysis_type": "lightcurve_fitting",
    "input_data_types": ["photometry", "redshift"],
    "upload_only": False,
    "optional_analysis_parameters": '{"rrl_type": ["ab", "c", "d", "e"}',
    'timeout': 60,
    "group_ids": [2, 4, 9]

header =  {'Authorization': 'token <token>'}
url = "http://localhost:5000/api/analysis_service"
r =, headers=header, json= payload)
analysis_id =  r.json()['data']['id']

Setting upload_only to True will set that service as providing the results of a 3rd party analysis that does not make explicit use of SkyPortal data. Setting upload_only to False will mean that SkyPortal will package and send data to an external service and that service sends back data via a webhook.

We support header-based authentication and those authentications described in the requests package. You can also GET parameters of an analysis by ID and also modify (PATCH) and delete analyses. By default we place a cap of 50 completed analyses per object per user/token. Old or outdated analyses should be deleted as appropriate.

Starting a new Analysis (Webhook approach)

To kick off a new analysis on a source using a known analysis_id:

header =  {'Authorization': 'token <token>'}
url = f"http://localhost:5000/api/obj/{source_id}/analysis/{analysis_id}"
r =, headers=header)

This will assemble data on that source and send it to the 3rd party application host at the url specified when making the analysis service. It will also send a callback URL for the analysis service to send results over. This data will be stored by SkyPortal.

What an Analysis Service returns

When a new analysis has completed it must post back the results as a JSON body to SkyPortal using the unique token embedded in the webhook URL (callback_url, e.g. https://<skyportal_base>:5000/api/webhook/obj_analysis/555ce6d4-15cf...). The JSON response should have three keywords:

("status",  "message", "analysis")

The webbook API looks for status=="success" to determine if the analysis should be considered a success or not; it’s up to the analysis service to determine if the results should be considered trustworthy or not.

The “analysis” value should itself be an object containing some combination of three keywords:

("inference_data", "plots", "results")

The “analysis” can also be empty an empty object. Theses values are used in the following way:

  • interfence_data - an arviz InferenceData object, containing at least a posterior group.

  • plots - a list of plots (e.g. in png format) to be stored/shown.

  • results - a freeform python object containing fitting results, such as best fit parameters, goodness-of-fit results, etc. This object should be packaged on the analysis end with joblib.dump.

All three of these data are encoded with base64.b64encode to facilitate the web transport from the service to SkyPortal. Stored data can be retrieved from SkyPortal with a GET request with the flag includeAnalysisData=True like:

url = https://<skyportal_base>:5000/api/obj/analysis/<int>?includeAnalysisData=True`
r = requests.get(url, headers=<token info>)
data = r.json()

So that the inference data can be retrieved like:

import arviz
f = open("", "wb")
inference_data = arviz.from_netcdf("")

The plots can be retrieved like:

for i, plot in enumerate(data["analysis"]["plots"]):
	f = open(f"tmp_{i}.{plot["type"]}", "wb")

And the results data can be retrieved like:

import joblib
results = joblib.load(base64.b64decode(data["analysis"]["results"]["data"]))

A valid POST will immediately invalidate the unique token so that analysis entry cannot be posted to again (the user can simply restart an analysis with different parameters if they wish).

Upload an Analysis (non-webhook approach)

If an analysis service is set up to be upload_only then users can POST analysis results directly SkyPortal using the /api/obj/<source name>/analysis_upload endpoint. The data uploaded should be in the same format expected from the webhook-method analysis services (see “What an Analysis Service Returns” above). The POST can also contain directives about whether to show the plots and results (similar to the webhook-based analysis request).

As an example, a 3rd party analysis on the object named MySourceName using service number service_id can be uploaded as such:

  "status": "success",
  "message": "Ran this on my machine",
  "show_parameters": True,
  "analysis": {
    "plots": ...,
    "inference_data": ...,
    "results": {
      "format": "json",
      "data": {
        "external_provenance": {
          "hash": "23baef56",
          "spectrum_ids": [34, 68, 125],
          "model": "jsbFitter23"
        "classification": "DY Per",
        "classification_proba": 0.94

url = f"http://<url>:5000/api/obj/MySourceName/analysis_upload/{service_id}"
r =, headers={'Authorization':   'token uuid'}, json=params)

It is the responsibility of the 3rd party to maintain any provenance for the analysis (ie. what specific data was used to run the analysis), to delete outdated versions of the analysis on a given obj, and to avoid leaking sensitive data available to the 3rd party but not available to the groups that a specific analysis is attached to.

Getting specific analysis products programmatically

SkyPortal has an API endpoint that allows programmatic access to GET products (plots, results, and posterior visualization) produced by an analysis service. The GET endpoints are:

Plots (return an image to display):


Posterior viz (ie. return a corner plot image to display):


(attach corner plot kwargs in the body of the GET)

Results (returned as a json):


For example, to save the first plot of analysis_id=32, one can do something like this:

import shutil
url = "http://localhost:5000/api/obj/analysis/32/plots/0"
r = requests.get(url, headers=header, stream=True)
if r.status_code == 200:
    with open('img.png', 'wb') as out_file:
        shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, out_file)

Supernova Fitter Example

SkyPortal ships with an example 3rd party analysis app to fit lightcurves with supernova models in sncosmo (see services/sn_analysis_service/). To use it locally, load the demo data to create an analysis service entry that establishes the SN fitter microservice:

make load_demo_data

Then start an analysis on a source like (in Python):

import requests

header =  {'Authorization': 'token <token>'}
url = "http://localhost:5000/api/obj/ZTF21aaqjmps/analysis/1"
params = {"url_parameters": {"source": "nugent-sn2p"}}
r =, headers=header, json=params)

Get the results

url = f"http://localhost:5000/api/obj/analysis/{r["data"]["id"]}?includeAnalysisData=True"
r = requests.get(url, headers=<token info>)
data = r.json()


Analysis services in SkyPortal can be declared as providing a summary of a source. When is_summary is True in an analysis service, the results of an analysis using this service will be stored in the obj.summary and obj.summary_history (akin to how redshifts are stored and updated). If the associated analysis is deleted then it will be removed from obj.summary_history. The frontend allows a user to see the summary history and edit the results of a summary analysis.

AI Summarization

Following the dramatic quality, speed, and cost improvements of publicly assessable large language models (LLMs), the ability to programmatically summarize what is known about (many SkyPortal) sources became feasible. Shipped with SkyPortal is a microservice served by default at the endpoint http://localhost:7003/summarize. This service packages source information such as comments, redshift, and classification, and obtains a human-readable summary by wrapping the ChatGPT API from OpenAI. Summaries (AI or human generated) appear below the source name on the source page and can be returned as part of a query on objs.

To use this service the SkyPortal config must set a valid API key from OpenAI to be shared with all users of the service or each individual user must supply their own API key and set the OpenAI integration to active in their user profiles. Specifics of the ChatGPT interaction (such as model, model parameters, and prompt) are established in the site-wide config. See the openai_analysis_service section of analysis_services in the config file.

Note: only data that the user who initiates a summary analysis has access to is shipped to the 3rd party. However summaries, like redshifts, are public on the source. So anyone who has access to the source can see the summaries. Users are advised to check for any sensitive information that might leak into summaries that other SkyPortal users might not know otherwise. If information has leaked in an AI summary they can delete the appropriate analysis and manually add a summary as they see fit.